Shaping and Toning + Fat Burning + Lifting 

At Laser Centre Body Aesthetics presents to you your new personal trainer EMSCULPT NEO! This is a body shaping procedure that "simultaneously tightens muscles, leads to fat burning, and has a lifting effect on the skin." "With EMSCULPT NEO, you will experience the most intensive workout of your entire life. And we will transform areas where neither diets, nor fitness, nor other body shaping procedures have brought you satisfactory results."

What can EMSCULPT NEO do?

EMSCULPT NEO is a scientific breakthrough in non-invasive aesthetics and can... it can do everything!

Abdomen tightening or even sculpting abdominal muscles. Fat burning and reducing circumstance. Growing muscles and shaping toned muscles in every area. Skin lifting. Shaping and toning a brazilian butt. Increasing the strength and the endurance of your muscles. Shaping a toned body and upright silhouette. Repair of Diastasis recti after childbirth.

"In other words, EMSCULPT NEO results in up to 30% по-малко less fat, up to 25% more muscle, plus visibly tighter skin. All of this achieved with only 4-6 sessions of 30 minutes per area. We know it sounds incredible, but behind these numbers are 140 doctors and scientists, over 7 years of work, more than 40 patents, dozens of clinical studies, and 96% satisfied clients."

No non-invasive or surgical procedure before EMSCULPT NEO could effectively and provenly lead to the simultaneous elimination of body fat along with muscle building. That's why EMSCULPT NEO is considered a scientific breakthrough. It holds the patent for the combination of S-RF (Synchronized Radiofrequency) and HIFEM+ (High-Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic Plus). EMSCULPT NEO is the most direct and safe path to a toned body and a healthy appearance.


EMSCULPT NEO е носител на куп авторитетни награди и е любим на звездите

Сред тях са 2022 Aestheticians’ Choice Awards на списание Dermascope, 2022 Beauty Awards на списание Glamour и 2021 Future of Beauty Awards на списание ELLE. Първата версия на апарата пожъна огромен успех, но EMSCULPT NEO успя дори да го изпревари още със самия си старт. Неслучайно му се довериха Дженифър Лопес, Дрю Баримор, Меган Фокс, Ким Кардашян, Кармен Електра, Шакил О’Нийл и още куп знаменитости. Вижте и още от престижните награди на уреда.



Вижте как ЕMSCULPT NEO успява едновременно да постигне изгаряне на мазнини, стягане на корем, оформяне на мускулите и лифтинг ефект на кожата. И всичко това в едва 30-минутна процедура. С новото поколение EMSCULPT София е вече оборудвана благодарение на Body Aesthetics.


See more results in the video



Можете да намерите всяка ЕMSCULPT NEO цена тук и да закупите процедури през онлайн магазина ни. Ако имате въпроси, запишете час за детайлна и безплатна консултация + няколко минути безплатно демо с нашия експертен екип. Ще намерите последното поколение EMSCULPT София, “Орехова гора” №2 , до Южен парк.

Една процедура е с продължителност 30 минути и се извършва след подробна консултация. Препоръчителният брой процедури за един курс на една зона е 4 – 6 процедури и се извършват през 3-5-7 дни. Ако имате нужда от пакет с различен брой процедури или желаете да закупите пакети за повече зони, попитайте за цена на рецепция или по телефона.


The new version of EMSCULPT is the first and only non-invasive 3-in-1 body sculpting procedure, combining HIFEM+ (high-intensity electromagnetic field) with radiofrequency. This accumulates a triple effect in the battle against fat burning, muscle building, and skin lifting. In practice, this innovative device provides three therapies in one session. EMSCULPT NEO is a true benchmark for a non-surgical procedure to achieve less fat and more muscle.

Almost everyone! Active people who don't have time for exercise, as well as professional athletes. People looking to improve their muscle definition and those who want to have one. People with injuries that limit their ability to exercise. Young and old individuals looking for better posture, increased strength, and stamina.

The procedure is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It cannot be performed on areas with metal implants or electric devices like pacemakers. For best results, it is important that BMI does not exceed 35.

The first results can be felt after about a week following the first therapy: improved muscle tone, tightening, and strengthened muscules. The effect intensifies with each passing day and week and lasts long after the last procedure. The body's response time to the stimulation that EMSCULPT NEO provides depends on your individual condition. Age, diet, exercise, BMI, physical activity - all of these determine when you will see results.

As for the final results in terms of muscle volume increase and fat reduction, they become visible about 2 months after the last procedure. By that time, the muscles are in the process of development and improvement.

Препоръчителният брой процедури е 4-6 по 30 минути, по веднъж на 5-7 дни (зависи от индивидуалното ви състояние и препоръките на терапевта), но само за една зона на сесия. Може да се правят и през 2-3 дни, ако се използва HIFEM+ протокол без радиочестота. За да имате оптимални резултати, е необходимо стриктно да следвате изготвения конкретно за вас терапевтичен план.

If all the requirements for the proper implementation of the therapy are followed, the experience so far indicates that the results last for an average of one year after the last session.They can remain visible even longer if you undergo 2 maintenance therapies within six months after the initial course. Although one procedure is equivalent to 5 intensive workouts in the gym, do not neglect exercise and proper nutrition. This way, the result will be even more noticeable and satisfying.

Just like in sports, the effect will diminish over time if it is not maintained with procedures or workouts. Muscles need to be trained to maintain their strength and definition. It is advisable to undergo one or two follow-up procedures every 4-6 months.

The areas that we currently treat at Body Aesthetics are the abdomen, biceps, triceps, buttocks, thighs, upper thighs, and calves. Therapy cannot be performed in areas around the head and the heart.

The high-intensity electromagnetic field HIFEM+ induces so-called "supermaximal muscle contractions." These are muscle contractions whose force, intensity, and speed far exceed the capabilities of the human body. HIFEM+ forces the muscles to adapt to this new situation by changing their internal structure. This happens through two processes: muscle hypertrophy (increasing the diameter of muscle fibers) and muscle hyperplasia (building new myofibrils and fibers). In other words, the muscle grows and gains strength and definition. This is due to the characteristics of the electromagnetic field, which only affects the motor neurons, i.e., the nerves that control the action of the striated muscles. To achieve the specific characteristics of the electromagnetic field that only affect the motor neurons, a large team of doctors worked for 7 years. Nearly 40 clinical trials and numerous certifications, including from the FDA, guarantee this.

These "supermaximal muscle contractions" require a supermaximal amount of energy in a much shorter time than regular activities and exercise. When cellular energy sources are depleted, the body intelligently begins to draw energy from excess fat in the body. Metabolic processes in the body drive the apoptosis process - the induced cellular death of excess fat cells. This serves as fuel for the muscles that the procedure shapes. Waste products from this process are expelled from the body through the lymphatic system, similar to weight loss through exercise or dieting. This process is accelerated due to increased blood circulation caused by the muscle contractions.

EMSCULPT NEO uses patented synchronized radiofrequency energy with very specific characteristics. Thanks to this, it acts selectively only in the areas where it is needed, successfully reducing fat and tightening connective tissue. The high temperature of up to 45 degrees Celsius acts on both the fat tissue and the skin. It promotes the apoptosis of fat cells and triggers the release of heat-shock proteins, which stimulate fibroblasts to rejuvenate both the dermis and the deeper tissues. Fibroblasts actively break down old and damaged collagen and replace it with new collagen. This is responsible for the tightening and lifting of the treated areas.

There have been cosmetic body shaping devices that use electrical impulses to induce muscle contractions. Their effectiveness from a biophysical perspective is questionable because the power required to produce adequate muscle contractions would lead to skin burns in the electrode contact area. The practice has shown that similar devices, when used at home, do not work as expected. That's why the precise moment for a major scientific and technological breakthrough has arrived with the latest device waiting for you at Body Aesthetics.

The sensation is one of strong muscle contractions and intense warming of the treated area. The therapy is entirely painless and does not resemble any familiar feeling. Some patients laugh during the procedure, while others compare it to being out of breath, such as during sprinting. Anesthesia (sedation) is not required, and there is no recovery period, unlike invasive procedures targeting the same effect.

Absolutely! The therapy carries no risks and does not cause damage to muscles, tissues, or bones when performed by experts like those at Body Aesthetics. Since the procedure is non-invasive, there is no need for a recovery period.

Here are just a few of the authoritative clinical studies and research confirming the safety of EMSCULPT NEO therapy:

Yes, the device works well for addressing the common problem of cellulite and orange peel skin. Please schedule a detailed and free consultation with our expert team for more information.

You should definitely remove your earrings, jewelry, and electronic devices before starting the procedure. We also recommend drinking plenty of water to keep your body well-hydrated.

You can see the specific EMSCULPT priceprice for the areas you have chosen on our offers page. You can also scroll up on this page to find the prices and make an online purchase.

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