Our Laser Hair Removal is Medical and Performed with the World’s Best Medical Laser Platform: GentleLase Pro & Gentle Max Pro Plus. We use a 755 nm Alexandrite laser and a 1064 nm Nd:Yag laser, allowing us to treat all types of hair on all skin types. We permanently remove even the lightest and finest hair, as well as the thickest and darkest hair, on skin of any phototype (from I to VI) and even on tanned skin.



Laser Hair Removal with GentleLase Pro WOMEN

Number of Procedures / All procedure prices are in Bulgarian Leva / When paying for a PROMO package 6 > 5=6 procedures.*

What the laser hair removal zones include:

  • Full Arms – from shoulder to wrist, including the upper part of the palm and fingers as per the client's preference
  • Upper half arms – from the shoulder to the elbow and the elbow, as per the client's preference
  • Brazilian - external bikini area, labia, and perianal area
  • External bikini – the external bikini area and a part of the intimate area
  • Buttocks - the entire buttock area and the perianal area
  • Chin – the chin itself and the area beneath it
  • Eyebrows – between the two eyebrows and the part of the forehead above them
  • Ears – the external part of the earlobe and the ear cushion
  • Neck – below the hairline down to the trapezius muscle
  • Calves – from the knee downwards, including the knee and the upper part of the foot with the toes
  • Thighs – from the knee (including) up to below the buttocks
  • Abdomen strip – the central line from the bikini area up to the chest
  • Back – from the trapezius muscle down to the lower back

Laser Hair Removal with GentleLase Pro MEN

Number of Procedures / All procedure prices are in Bulgarian Leva / When paying for a PROMO package 6 > 5=6 procedures.*

What the laser hair removal zones include:

  • Full ръце – от рамо до китка, по желание включва горна част на дланта и пръстите
  • Upper half arms – from the shoulder to the elbow and the elbow, as per the client's preference
  • Brazilian - external bikini area, labia, and perianal area
  • External bikini – the external bikini area and a part of the intimate area
  • седалище – цялата седалищна област и перианалната област
  • брадичка – самата брадичка и зоната под нея
  • вежди – между двете вежди и челото над тях
  • уши – външната част на ушната мида и ушната възглавничка
  • врат – под линията на косата до трапецовидния мускул
  • подбедрици – от коляното надолу, вкл. коляно и горната част на стъпалото с пръстите
  • бедра – от коляното до под седалището
  • корем-лента – средната линия от бикини зоната до гърдите
  • гръб – от трапецовидния мускул до кръста

Learn more about our hair removal treatment


See the difference for yourself before and after undergoing laser hair removal procedures at our laser center.



What do you need to know before the first procedure?

  • No sunbathing or tanning beds for at least two weeks before and after the procedure - it's a must!

  • Do not remove hair in the treated area with waxing or other methods for at least three weeks before laser hair removal. You can only shave or trim between two procedures.

  • Do not use exfoliants ten days before and after the procedure.

  • The night before your laser hair removal at our center, trim the hair in the treated area with a razor or trimmer (face trimmer), but under no circumstances use depilatory cream at least seven days before the procedure. It contains acid that can irritate the skin and react with the laser.

  • On the day of your laser hair removal, do not apply lotions or other cosmetics in the area.

  • For maximum effectiveness, seek consultation with our specialists before the procedure.

GENTLE LASE PRO is the fastest laser for hair removal. A procedure on a small area measuring 10x10 cm (4x4 inches) will take about 5-7 minutes. This includes entering the treatment room, preparation, performing the hair removal, and completion. Hair removal on the entire legs takes 40-45 minutes.

It is not advisable for pregnant and breastfeeding women to undergo laser hair removal. Not because it has been proven dangerous for them, but simply because there have been no clinical studies on pregnant women yet. Safety first!

GentleLase Pro treats the broadest range of hairs, from thin and light to thick and dark. It is the most effective laser for removing light and fine hairs in the world; even light hairs on the face. Keep in mind, however, that we are talking about light, not white hairs. Hairs without pigment (white and gray hairs) cannot be removed with a laser. The same applies to peach fuzz.

We always recommend 6 procedures, unless there is some hormonal peculiarity with the client or other circumstances. The reason we do this is that hair on the body does not grow all at once. At any given time, only about 20% of the hair follicles are supplied with blood. Hairs grow to a certain point, then fall out, and new "portions" of hair appear in their place. Hair removal is done when the hairs are in the anagen (active) growth phase and are connected to their roots - because that's what we want to destroy. This happens at different rates in different areas of the body, but usually, it takes about 6 cycles of falling and growing hair. Therefore, procedures on the face are done every 30-45 days; on the arms, underarms, and bikini area – every 45-60 days; and on the legs – every 60-90 days. Don't trust salons that call you in every 30 days. Monthly hair removal is not harmful, but it is not effective and ends up being much more expensive. Clinical studies by Syneron Candela demonstrate 89% permanent removal of hair for about 15 years after 6 procedures with GentleLase Pro."

The safety of GentleLase Pro has been proven through numerous clinical studies conducted by the manufacturer Syneron Candela and independent scientists over the last 20 years. See one of the most detailed and authoritative studies HERE.

If someone promises you a higher percentage of hair removal, then they are trying to mislead you. The only thing we give 100% of is the truth. Our values compel us to tell the whole truth and provide you with the optimal realistic results. The laser technology in our device is the most successful worldwide and ensures 80-89% permanent hair reduction after 6 treatments. The remaining 11% is peach fuzz. These are the very fine, semi-transparent, thin, and gentle hairs that are not bothersome to the touch and are only noticeable up close. This is why we, and no well-intentioned laser center, can guarantee 100% hair removal in every area. It's simply impossible at this stage. The human body is designed with hair, and it resists attempts to completely remove it, no matter how hard we fight. But for ONLY 6 treatments to give you 89% less hair for a FULL 15 years period or more, we consider that a huge success. Most devices need a course of 8-10-15 procedures, require follow-up procedures every 3-6 months, and never have an effect for more than 1-2 years. Those who have undergone these procedures know this well. For the rest, we have our free expert consultations where we explain this in great detail. реалистични резултати.

Лазерната технология на нашия апарат е най-успешната в световен план и осигурява 80-89% трайно премахване на растежа на космите след 6 третирания. Останалите 11% са мъховидно окосмяване. Това са онези тънички, полупрозрачни, редки и нежни косъмчета, които не дразнят при допир и се забелязват само от много близо.

Ето защо ние, и въобще никой добронамерен лазер център, не можем да гарантираме 100% премахване на окосмяването ви във всяка зона. Просто е невъзможно на този етап. Човешкият организъм е създаден с окосмяване и се съпротивлява то да остане, колкото и ние да се борим с това.

Имайте предвид, че ако САМО с 6 процедури човек загуби 89% от окосмяването си за ЦЕЛИ 15 години или повече, това е повече от успех. Мнозинството апарати се справят за 8-10-15 процедури, налагат се поддържащи през 3-6 месеца и никога няма ефект за повече от 1-2 години. Който се е подлагал на тях, го знае отлично. За останалите имаме нашите безплатни експертни консултации, на които много подробно го обясняваме.

In order for us to treat the area with a laser, the hair should be smoothly shaved. Waxing or other methods of pulling out the hair from the root are not suitable because the laser light needs to reach the hair's root to destroy the follicle. If hair is typically removed with waxing or an epilator, you should wait a minimum of 3 weeks before the first laser procedure. This is because this time is needed for new hairs to grow, connected to their roots, to make laser treatment effective. After that, between procedures, the hair in the treated areas should only be removed by shaving, trimming, or using scissors, if it's on the face. Under no circumstances should you pluck them out! Let's reassure those who fear that shaving will make their hair coarser or that it will cause unpleasant irritation upon touch. Our laser has an effect even after the first procedure, and such uncomfortable consequences do not occur.

The effect of laser hair removal is visible even after the first procedure. During this procedure, the laser reaches the hair follicles that have been in the growth phase and are on the surface of the skin. For those of them that were in the anagen (i.e., active) stage of development, the following phases will be observed:

I: The hairs will protrude, and you will observe the so-called false growth in the first days after the procedure.

II: The hairs will fall out - this happens at the earliest two weeks after the procedure, depending on the treated area.

III: Then follows a period with no hair growth – a smooth period, which lasts at least two weeks and also depends on the treated area.

IV: A little before the time for the next procedure, hairs will begin to emerge again. However, they are not the ones already treated with the laser but the next batch of hairs in that area.

Follow-up procedures are necessary when and IF you notice growth that is noticeable or concerns you. Sometimes, after hormonal changes (pregnancy, hormonal imbalance, illnesses, menopause), it may be necessary to do additional follow-up procedures. Or if during the course of the 6 procedures, the timing was not followed, anagen phases were skipped, or tanning of the skin has constrained us from using optimal parameters.

Most often, with 6 procedures, we manage to destroy the hair growth, and follow-up procedures are required rarely - every 1-2 years or according to individual needs.

Laser hair removal with the Alexandrite GentleLase Pro laser from the global leader Candela remains the Gold Standard worldwide. The only drawback is that it’s not suitable for tanned skin or individuals with naturally darker skin types. That’s why Candela developed the Gentle Max Pro Plus, a laser for hair removal, skin rejuvenation, and regeneration, effective on both tanned skin and darker skin types IV, V, and VI.

Nd:Yag Lasers have been around for many years but have a reputation for being painful and slow. They’re far more effective than diode lasers, but due to misconceptions and higher equipment costs, they’re rarely used. The Gentle Max Pro Plus has changed that. While standard Nd lasers have a laser spot size of 3–5 mm and a pulse duration of 10 ms, the Gentle Max Pro Plus has a spot size of 18–22 mm and a pulse duration of 2 ms, making it extremely fast. Its innovative technology also divides the laser beam into equal sub-pulses, distributing energy evenly, which makes the sensation much more comfortable.

Nd:Yag Lasers have the longest wavelength, which allows them to penetrate deepest into the skin. They do not directly target the hair follicle; instead, they cut off its blood supply, effectively destroying the hair permanently.

Only this type of laser allows sun exposure 72 hours after a hair removal procedure.

The Nd:Yag laser is ideal for very dark skin—phototypes IV, V, and VI—or if you have fair skin but have developed and maintained a tan. In such cases, we can start treatments with the Alexandrite laser, then switch to the Nd laser as needed. If you’re unsure which laser is right for you, come in for a free consultation with our medical specialist.

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