Body Aesthetics: Confidence Changes Everything

A High Standard of Quality, Real Results Without Compromises, and Complete Trust

People are at the core of every business, and we believe it reflects the values of its creators. Body Aesthetics Laser Center is the result of a family idea. laser center It comes from Dr. Valentina Tracheva, and her associates – her sister, Kamelia Petrova-Ivanova, and her sister’s husband, Georgi Ivanov. Love, trust, honesty, passion for challenges – our perceptions of right and wrong, transferred from our family to our second home: Body Aesthetics.

We wanted a center that we, ourselves, would trust. One that reflects who we are and what values we stand for. We didn't want it to be an extreme - not like local beauty salons, nor like big plastic-surgery centers. We wanted it to stand right in the middle of the entire spectrum of aesthetic services.

That's why we gathered reviews for laser hair removal from all the most authoritative sources. We applied the same approach to the other procedures we offer. This led us to the conclusion that the most current trends point to a return of a more natural approach, through high-tech, non-invasive therapies. Aggressive beauty procedures that completely change one's outlook still have faithful followers. However, there is also a strong movement back towards the natural look and the quest for stimulating for the body to rejuvenate and beautify itself.

Our goal was to find the best in these trends and offer it at the highest level. We believe we have succeeded.

What do we mean by "Confidence Changes Everything"?

When we started, we had another motto: "We offer the solution." It remains valid, but we realized that it doesn't reflect the most important thing we do at Body Aesthetics. Every day, we hear from you how these small changes in your appearance, which we have collectively triggered, have led to a big transformation. How together, we have changed the way you feel, the way you communicate, and the way you live.
голямата промяна. Как заедно сме преобърнали начина, по който се чувствате, по който общувате, по който живеете.

For some, it may be incomprehensible how excess body hair, or post-pregnancy loose belly-skin can be a big hindrance in life. But we understand, and we know how to help without changing your individuality. We will only change your confidence, and then it will change everything else.



When seeking laser hair removal, body shaping, facial therapy, radiofrequency lifting, and cryolipolysis, you can get reviews and opinions in many ways. However, the safest are the certificates and guarantees offered for the procedures. Find out how Body Aesthetics ensures these for its clients.

СoolТech Certificate
Hydrafacial Certificate
Laser Hair Removal Guarantee


Д-р Валентина Трачева,<br />собственк
Dr. Valentina Tracheva

Dr. Valentina Tracheva is a medical professional dedicated to comprehensive care for the aesthetic appearance of the face and body. She is a devoted mother of two, but also an ambitious professional. This drives her to find a way to create the perfect place for active women - working mothers who want to look and feel good in their skin. That's why Dr. Tracheva has assembled not just a team of professionals with medical backgrounds but truly like-minded individuals. She is available to all Body Aesthetics clients nearly around the clock. She dedicates her free time to her hobby - developing new and more effective protocols for working with our devices. They are based on both global trends and her own experience. At Body Aesthetics почти денонощно. Посвещава свободното си време на хобито си – да разработва на нови и по-ефикасни протоколи за работа с апаратите ни. Те са базирани на световния, но и на собствения ѝ опит.

Камелия Петрова,<br />собственик
Kameliya Petrova

Kameliya Petrova is a specialist in Communication from Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" and holds a master's degree in Directing. She is responsible for the marketing and advertising of Body Aesthetics. We owe her the wonderful visuals, website, radio and TV commercials, as well as the many collaborators we work with. Kameliya is the author and director of over 50 episodes of the TV show "Atelier" on BNT2, 5 documentary films, films based on stories by Georgi Gospodinov and Zachary Karabashliev. She is dedicated to the idea of Body Aesthetics and to her two children.

Георги Иванов,<br />собственик
Georgi Ivanov

Georgi Ivanov has a bachelor's degree in Mass Communication from the American University in Bulgaria and a master's degree in Management from MEDIA Business School in Spain. He is responsible for the finances and business planning of our center. As a film producer, Georgi is among the creators of films like "TILT," "Yatagan," and "The Music of Sofia." He is a co-owner of the cinema "Lucky - Home of Cinema" in Plovdiv. He utilizes his connections with prominent figures to promote Body Aesthetics. He is a father of two. He is a member of the international network Europa Cinemas, the National Book Center, and the Bulgarian Film Academy.

Мария Илиева, терапевт
Мария Илиева, терапевт

Мария Илиева изучава Фармация, а по-късно и Кинезитерапия при нервни и психични болести в Национална Спортна Академия “ Васил Левски“. През последните 11 години тя трупа опит в работата с най-високия клас неинвазивни апаратни процедури в света. Смело можем да кажем, че е рекордьор по брой процедури медицинска лазерна епилация! Мария е преминала множество обучения и квалификации, нейният опит я е заредил с много търпение и увереност. А дълбоките й познания и компетенции са подкрепени от човечност, топлина и всеотдайна грижа за всеки наш посетител.

Ванеса Апостолова, терапевт
Ванеса Апостолова, терапевт

Ванеса Апостолова е с образование на Рехабилитатор от Медицински колеж „Йорданка Филаретова“.  В годините след завършването си тя се отдава на своята професия, а след това и на своята нова роля – на майка. Откакто се занимава професионално с медицински козметични процедури, нейното желание да се развива в тази сфера расте все повече, заедно с квалификациите и опита й. Тя е отговорна и комуникативна личност, отнасяща се с висок професионализъм към всеки индивидуален случай, с който се сблъска.

Камелия Тодорова, терапевт
Камелия Тодорова, терапевт

Камелия Тодорова завършва специалност Рехабилитация в Медицински колеж “Йорданка Филаретова”. Тя практикува за кратко професията си, след което се насочва към естетиката. След това се отдава на грижите за дъщеричката си, а през последните години тя се развива в областта на естетичните процедури за лице и тяло и трупа опит с клиенти. Нейното желание и амбиция са да работи в екип от добре квалифицирани и мотивирани хора и във високо професионална атмосфера. Камелия е любознателна и позитивна личност, която обича работата си и се отнася с любопитство и всеотдайност към всеки.

Биана Атанасинска, терапевт
Биана Атанасинска, терапевт

Биана Атанасинска е един от терапевтите ни с най-много опит в лазерната епилация. Ще ви изненадаме, че първото й образование е по Акушерство в Медицинския университет в София, а втората й работа е като Операционна сестра. Едва след като самата тя става майка, избира да се преквалифицира и насочи към естетиката. През годините не само трупа опит като медицински терапевт в нашата сфера, но и обучава терапевти. Биана е емоционален и грижовен човек, тя е перфекционист и полага всички възможни усилия всеки клиент да бъде доволен и с отлични резултати от всяка процедура.

Силвия Петкова, рецепция
Силвия Петкова, рецепция

Silvia Petkova graduated in Kinesiotherapy from the University of Ruse "Angel Kanchev" and holds a master's degree from the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski." She has worked as a fitness instructor and in the field of human resources. Her interests lie in the realm of a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and innovative technologies in the beauty industry. She actively practices sports in her free time. Silvia is exceptionally patient and dedicated, gladly devoting her full attention to the needs of our visitors.


When looking for laser hair removal, the Hydrafacial procedure for the face, or VelaShape 3 for the body, radiofrequency lifting, or CoolTech cryolipolysis reviews are definitely something you should seek. This is one of the good ways to be more confident in your choice. See what people say about Body Aesthetics, as they stand in front of the camera with their own faces.