Quality certificate at Body Aesthetics guarantees the use of original cosmetics and disposable consumables according to the protocols provided by the manufacturers of our equipment.
Because we stand responsibly behind the results we promise.
Your best self is our mission, both in how you feel and how you look.
It's a wonderful exchange of trust when you choose us to care for your body. We strive to make sure we live up to that trust in every way.
Your safety and comfort are our top priorities. We continuously strive to enhance our services and introduce new measures to benefit our clients during each visit.
How do we guarantee the quality of our services?
We prioritize your SAFETY and SECURITY above all else.
Преди всяка първа процедура при нас извършваме консултация и подписваме информирано съгласие. Стараем се да ви поднесем подробна информация за предстоящата процедура, да ви разкажем за съставките на козметиката, която ползваме и за технологиите на процедурата. Винаги ви питаме за заболявания и алергии и предупреждаваме за противопоказания, защото не вярваме в “няма страшно” и “никой не се е оплакал”. Всяка истински ефективна медицинска козметична процедура има определени изисквания за прилагане и ние вярваме, че клиентът трябва да бъде на първо място добре информиран.
We use secure DIAGNOSTIC methods.
During our consultations, we conduct detailed measurements with precise and innovative devices that provide comprehensive and reliable indicators. If you wish, we can take photos before and after the procedures to monitor your results.
We believe in the power of INFORMATION.
That's why we keep detailed records of each of your visits, and we are always prepared when welcoming you for a procedure.
We love to make everything EASIER for you.
That's why we remind you via email or text to schedule your appointment and let you know when to come in for your next procedure.

When you look good, you feel good.
And that improves your quality of life.

To ensure the effectiveness of our procedures, we've chosen the highest existing class of devices worldwide.
In order to guarantee the safety of our clients and the excellent quality of our services, we've assembled a team of highly qualified, modern, and experienced medical professionals.
To ensure that you receive exactly the procedure you're paying for, we are the only ones in Bulgaria who have established a certification system for every therapy that requires it, directly from our machine manufacturers and their official distributors.
Here's how we ensure quality:
We adhere to the protocols developed and provided with the devices. We attend training and seminars related to the latest therapies we offer.
Every cosmetic procedure involves the use of single or multiple-use consumables. We always open single-use items in front of you (such as nozzles for each step of the Hydrafacial MD therapy, CoolTech cryomembranes) and dispose of them after use. We professionally clean reusable items (such as VelaShape III applicator caps, GentleLase Pro applicator spacers). Any compromise in this regard carries the risk of infections and the spread of diseases, which is unacceptable to us.
We use original cosmetics for our treatments (such as serums and boosters for Hydrafacial MD, the cooling and moisturizing cream for VelaShape III, CoolTech cryogel), and we do not compromise with more budget-friendly imitations that don't have the same effect. We always use the required amounts because they alone lead to the results that make you happy.